Are you finding that you have more time on your hands lately or is 'lockdown' getting you down?
A change to your normal routine can greatly impact your skin. You may have noticed that a break from applying makeup everyday has actually been quite refreshing but for some of us we may be noticing that our skin seems a little more congested than normal, perhaps the odd outbreak of spots, pimples or blemishes. Our skin might also be looking a bit dull and lack lustre, maybe a little dry and flaky too?
If this sounds like you then here are a few reasons why;
DIET - changes to our diet can reflect in changes in our skin. Alcohol and caffeine are particularly dehydrating not just internally but also on the skin whilst an increase of sugar and fatty foods can see pimples and spots make an appearance. Whilst it is tempting to slip into a 'Christmas Holiday' mindset, forgetting what day of the week it is and eating more than we normally would, it is important to maintain a balanced diet rich in nutrients and vitamins to aid in cell renewal and a healthier complexion.
HYDRATION - not many of us will religiously consume the daily recommended water intake however, now that our days are likely to be less structured we may be drinking less than normal. Drinking plenty of water helps to flush the toxins out of our systems and can help the appearance of a clear skin. Toxins such as alcohol and caffeine can leave the skin looking dull because they dehydrate us therefore it is important to remember to drink more water. Even if you don't like the taste of water you can flavour it with fruits such as strawberries, oranges and cucumber or even use no - added sugar concentrates such as blackcurrant squash.
ROUTINE - now that we don't have to get up for work we may have slipped out of the habit of our skincare routines or makeup application. If you have been using a good skincare brand to cleanse, tone and moisturise morning and night then a break from this routine could see your skin begging for the hydration and care that it is used to. Good products contain ingredients which exfoliate, hydrate and penetrate the skin. They have a multitude of benefits from soothing to moisturising and even delay the signs of ageing so if you have got out of the habit of doing this then please be kind to yourself and give yourself a little me time again.
So what can you do at home? Well, you can definitely set aside 5-10 minutes in the morning to cleanse your face. I actually multitask if I'm short on time and apply my cleanser whilst I'm gargling with mouthwash so there's no excuses. You can swap your coffee in the afternoon for a tall glass of water, fill up a jug of water in the morning and put it in the fridge that way you may be more likely to drink it or fill up a drinks bottle and carry it round the house with you (making sure to drink from it regularly of course). Why not have some fun, get the kids involved and google some homemade facial recipes (this is something we did in college and it was so much fun) you can use all sorts of ingredients such as natural yoghurt, oats, honey, fruits, mayonnaise and even eggs. I'd love to know if you try this!
Finally, make time for yourself, be kind to yourself, do the things that you love, have a bath, read a book, get a good night's sleep, go for a walk, drink more water. Trust me, your skin will thank you for it!
Lots of love
Faye x